Steal My Art, Please.

Emma-Jane MacKinnon-Lee
3 min readApr 17, 2021


It’s kind of a cliche. When you first start something big, crazy, on the bleeding edge and required to be some dose of delusional to have any chance of success, you get 2 typical reactions from people;

  1. They brush you off and think your delusive dosage is way too high.
  2. They actively engage in trying to undercut and neg the idea, your motives, hairstyle, the weather… anything they can to knock you off base.

Then, when you don’t give in, go through all the shit and actually start to rise and achieve something resembling what you set out to do in the first place, suddenly they are simping. But it is disingenuous.

They are getting up close just to crib notes.

A most simple example. Go back to school and remember those kids that always copied the test results from the other students. Sure, they got the grade, but they don’t get the real value. Because they aren’t doing it for themselves. They don’t understand that it is not enough to copy the surface view.

If they haven’t walked the path to get there— from the good times to the shit times to the times when you literally not just thought, but were actually at risk, of dying for putting the pursuit of the original mission of your creative obsession above everything else— the lessons you need to succeed can only be learned in those unexplored areas off of the map.

This is proven out in the Innovators Dilemma, where large companies with all of the money in the world cannot out compete (in a remotely fair market) small, scrappy, fast moving teams, obsessed with the unconventional.

The large companies and their smaller clones cannot afford the level of delusion that must be risked to truly break through. The dosage required is large and uncertain. It requires an enormous leap of faith.

At the same time it is unfortunate, because I’d like nothing more than to give away the lessons learned the incredibly hard way in some format that is easier for the conventional, less risk hungry person to digest.

But in reality, there is just no such thing.

You simply cannot duplicate what you haven’t lived.

When I started DIGITALAX last year, the common response was;

“That’s stupid”

“How could that ever work”

“I don’t get it. You must be dumb”

A few short months later, there are pseudo clones popping up everywhere. Some so silly they think that I won’t recognise DIGITALAX’s fingerprints all over it.

But that’s ok, more power to them. There is 0 chance it will work beyond potentially making a quick dollar. But please, go out into the market, try things, fall flat on your face, that is the only way to learn.

We certainly won’t be stopping. Neither should you!

As a parting thought, I will leave you with the words of two real ones;

“Follow not in the footsteps of the masters. Seek what they sought.” — Buddha


Hey! I’m Emma-Jane! I’m a 23 year old fashionaut amongst other things

I am the founder of DIGITALAX and a bunch of other stuff in web3. 😆

Follow me on Twitter and check out my website



Emma-Jane MacKinnon-Lee
Emma-Jane MacKinnon-Lee

Written by Emma-Jane MacKinnon-Lee

web3 fashion, cc0, زد زندگی آزادی

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